Diagnosis & Action Plan for the Olive Pressing Mills
Under the project “Maintaining the Traditional Land-Use Practices Necessary for Conservation of Olive Associated Biodiversity in Mount Hermon, Lebanon” funded by CEPF, a study has been made on the Olive Pressing Mills in the Area of Jabal Al Sheikh Municipalities Federation. The aim of the study is to analyze in details the socioeconomic drivers affecting the olive oil production within Mount Hermon KBA. The study will also benefit stakeholders from the high quality of olive oil to open new markets and be in line with international oil standards, as a result of adopting Good agriculture practices guidelines and conservation of biodiversity.
As a result, a brand for biodiversity-friendly olive oil, from traditionally managed land of Mount Hermon area, will be developed and recognized in Lebanon, opening new markets for local production.
Prior to conducting the study, a workshop has been held with the olive mills owners in the project area to brainstorm and understand from them further the following:
1- The readiness of the olive mills owners in the area to adopt changes in their Olive Press Mills
2- The readiness of the olive mills owners to launch a unified oil storage project under the name of “Mount Hermon Oil”.
As a start, the Olive Mills owners filled a technical mills survey and then, in a brainstorming meeting, they provided their suggestions.